Story no 6: The true value of Friendship


Story: The true value of Friendship

By. Adhav.V

Summary: This story showcases the true value of friendship. This story describes the unbreakable bond between two friends Arjun and Ashvik.



Main characters: Arjun and Ashvik

Supporting characters: Doctor, Soldiers of the opposite country, Parents of Arjun and Ashvik.



Once upon a time there lived a solider named Arjun. He was on his way to his home from holiday. He met his best friend Ashvik on his way home. Arjun asked “How are you? Seeing you after a long time”. What makes you here now?” Ashvik Replied “Iam fine. What about you, Iam here for a walk in the nature. Arjun replied Iam Fine. Come let’s talk walking.


On the way while they were talking, the opposite country soldiers suddenly started shooting them; pitifully it hit Ashvik. Arjun instructed Ashvik to hide behind the bush. With blood flowing and pain aching he hid behind the bush. Then arjun fought with them and defeated them. He rushed towards Ashvik saw him being Fainted and rushed him towards the Hospital and admitted him in the ICU. After examining Ashvik, the doctor told that “Ashvik couldn’t walk for nearly a year or so and even after a year also he should put his effort on walking. Bullet has gone deep into his knee we are operating and removing it now. After an hour you will be able to see your friend. Arjun was really sad Hearing this. After an hour Arjun went to see Ashvik. He informed Ashvik whatever the Doctor told him, hearing this Ashvik began to cry and seeing him cry Arjun hugged Ashvik and he consoled him. Then Arjun promised Ashvik that he would make him within a month or so. Then asked doctor’s Advice, doctor them to wait for a day or so and then get discharged.


Then after a day they discharged him and were on their way to the reception for paying the bill. After paying the bill they went to Arjun’s house as it was nearby. On the way Arjun called Ashvik’s parents and talked about the incident and asked them if Ashvik can stay with him as he can make Ashvik cured. They first didn’t agree but after some time they agreed. Arjun took care of Ashvik. Arjun used to do some traditional treatments told by our ancestors. He used to motivate Ashvik and made him cured. After 40 days exactly Ashvik started walking as usual.


To show this he went to the Doctor and doctor examined him. After examining him doctor said that he is perfectly cured and he was shocked seeing this, He told it is a medical miracle, I’ve not seen a patient cured very soon. He told the doctor it is all because it was because of arjun’s care. Arjun says that it is all because of the true value of Friendship. Then they thanked the doctor and left the hospital. Arjun dropped him in his house and went to his home. He started packing his bag as his holiday got over.


He boarded the train and while travelling he remembered the childhood memories. An image of them playing came in front of his eyes. He was filled with sadness. He went to the army force and started protecting the nation.


Moral of the Story: True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils.

                         * THE END *


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