Story no 7: Battles in Okaida - Part 2 : The conclusion

Story: Battles in Okaida - Part 2: The conclusion


Main characters: Manu and Binu

Supporting characters:  Mabi’s Grandparents and Dhunni.


Main characters: Akbar, Parvathy, Aura

Supporting Characters: The court members, The People




The continuation of Part 1…

Dhunni stood thoughtless …. Once Mabi forced Dhunni he started telling the event that led to the sin of illusion.  “This Okaida was a Kingdom Before. The king's name is Akbar, and his Queen name is Parvathy. Parvathy was Pregnant the whole kingdom was happy, that time came a magician named Aura he was showing different magic everyday then one fine day he had a gun with him then Akbar asked for what he brought that gun. He told the king it is a toy gun. Within few seconds he shot the king with that gun. The people started shouting and hearing this Queen came.  Aura aimed to shoot queen then Parvathy took the gun nearby her and shot Aura at the same time aura also shot Parvathy whereas Aura died but Parvathy was suffering to death at the last minute of her life.


 Parvathy let a rule that Nobody should enter this palace at any cost  and she cursed that if somebody enters this palace they will  suffer  from sin of illusion, the relief of the curse has been buried in this Kingdom and only the people at the king’s court can enter this kingdom they will not get the sin and if they start to rule this kingdom they will also be died in the second they start to rule . Telling this she died with her baby and their bodies were decomposed, later the Minister in the king’s court found the relief of sin in the back side of the palace below queen’s favorite plant and that person is me (Dhunni) and the relief is - there is well which has no water in that you should put a drop of water that is not a source of water but it is should be salty but not the sea water and if somebody pour a wrong water then the second it falls on the well they will die burning  into ash.”


Dhunni instructed them to think clearly and not to discuss with anyone, but you discuss within yourselves. The second he told the relief they got to know the answer is Tears of somebody so they didn’t blink their eyes for about 5 minutes, and they dropped the tears from the eyes in the well and they got their sin of illusions relieved. Then they took a decision not to find a secret because a secret should be a secret if it is known it can cause problems and they spent their holidays happily and had a happy life.



·       Secret should be a secret and once it is revealed it can create problems.

·       Truth always wins over falsehood. 

                                *   THE END OF THE STORY   * 


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