Story no 8 : The life story Book



By. Adhav.V

Character Introduction:

Main character: Kevin

Supporting Characters: Robin, Kevin’s Mother, The class teacher, Nancy (English Teacher), the school manger, Mr. Stephen (Chief Minister)


Chapter 1: The introduction

In a Modern city called Winterwood lived our hero, Kevin. As usual today our hero is ready to board his bus at the Mansion Bus stop. Finally after 15 minutes of waiting the bus has arrived. He had boarded his bus. He is neither a entrepreneur nor a employee just a student studying in Grade 10. After travelling for hardly half an hour Kevin reached his school. He entered his class and the next moment his eyes were searching for his best friend Robin.

The teacher entered the class and started taking attendance. Teacher called Robin the door opened in a rush. It is Robin. He explained to his teacher that he missed the school bus and had to board a government bus and come to the school. He apologized and sat on his seat next to Kevin.

Kevin was enquiring robin about the late attendance. The teacher spotted them speaking asked them to stand out of the class for the next 15 minutes. While they were standing outside Kevin spotted a Book lying down in the floor. The title of the book was “The life story Book”. He flipped the pages and saw nothing inside. After few minutes the teacher called both of them inside and asked them to take their seats.

Now it is English period and the English teacher Nancy asked the students to write in their rough notebooks about what do you want to happen today? Kevin left his Rough note in his house and fortunately he saw the empty book which he spotted in the corridor. He was confused what to write and thought in a funny way and wrote there must be a fake call to the principal that bomb is being fixed in our school. Eventually the school must be declared holiday for 2 days. In the next few seconds the Manager rushed inside the class and told about the same what Kevin wrote in his note and rushed the children to board the bus.


 When they were going in the bus Kevin told about the same to Robin. Robin asked him to check something again. He took out the note and wrote: It must rain heavily for 2 minutes and suddenly the sun must come. In another few seconds it rained forcefully as the bus couldn’t bear such massive force they stopped the bus in the side of the road. Soon the rain stopped and the sun came. Then both of them realized that this is a Magical Book.

Do you know? Robin and Kevin live in the same apartment and their houses are opposite to each other. Coming on to the story finally they reached their houses and as soon as Kevin went inside the home his mother came rushing and told him that the school has sent a message that you will have 2 days of holidays but they have sent few model question papers for your board exam and in these 2 days you must work it out and submit in the reopening day.

Kevin got him freshed up and started working on the model question paper. Days flew away. It is the day of the first board exam and in the morning he was packing his bag for the board exam and he noticed the magical note and as he was focused on the board exams he forget about it. Then he got an idea of writing something in that book and he wrote “All the board exam questions must be from the model question papers I worked out”. He was careless about the exam as he prepared the model question papers very thoroughly. He appeared to the exam and saw the question paper and it was same as the questions in the model question paper but in a twisted way. He wrote each and every exam perfectly and the times for the results have arrived. He had scored the first rank in the whole district. Not only district the whole state because he had got centum in every subjects. But he felt guilty as it was not because of his full effort and a part lies in the cheating he did with the Life story book.  


His parents very overjoyed on knowing the results. The teachers and the school were proud of the outcome. But his guilt continued. The Chief Minister of the state Mr. Stephen awarded Kevin with a cash prize of 50K and a shield of honor. He was happy to the society but guilty to his heart.

He was very guilty and couldn’t overcome the happenings. He reached the peak of guilt and wants to share it to someone so he reached to his mother and told about what all happened. His mother advised there is nothing to feel guilty as he didn’t cheat entirely you just requested the type of questions you wanted but it was you who prepared for the exam sincerely day and night. I saw your hardwork in my eyes. So just be happy don’t worry my dear child and remember that Hardwork is the fundamental key to success.

…….THE END…..



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