
Story no 10: Secret of the spooky bungalow

  Secret of the Spooky Bungalow By. Adhav.v Once upon a time, in the quiet village of Willowbrook, there lived five adventurous friends: Jayanth, Ganesh, Kumar, Rajesh, and Ravi. They were neighbors, and behind their houses stood a big, old compound wall belonging to a spooky bungalow. The villagers often said to stay away from it. But curiosity got the best of the five friends, and they decided to explore the bungalow one night. One moonlit evening, when their parents were fast asleep, the friends sneaked out of their homes and met in front of the bungalow's large wooden door. Jayanth, the bravest of the group, pushed the door open with a creak. They stepped inside and found themselves in a grand, dimly lit hallway filled with dusty portraits and old furniture. As they went deeper into the bungalow, they found a grand staircase that spiraled upwards. The atmosphere was eerie, but their excitement was stronger than their fear. Ravi, who loved solving puzzles, noticed a pa

Story no 9: Raman and the stories: Chapter 2

  STORY: RAMAN AND THE STORIES: CHAPTER 2 BY. ADHAV CHAPTER 2: GRAVITATIONAL FORCE Then Maya and Sidhu started eating the momos. Maya told to her grandfather that the chicken pieces are nicely steamed. Finally they completed eating the momos. Raman observed happiness in their faces. Now they started watching TV but within a few minutes they were bored. They asked Raman to narrate them another story. Even though he refused in the beginning later he accepted and started narrating the story with “Once upon a time” and continued “In a beautiful garden in England, there was a curious young man named Isaac Newton. One sunny day, while Isaac was sitting under an apple tree, deep in thought, something surprising happened. A ripe apple fell from the tree and landed with a soft thud on the ground right next to him. Isaac looked at the apple and wondered, “Why did the apple come straight down, and not go sideways or upwards?” He thought and thought, and then he had a brilliant idea! “Ther

A special poem on Father's day 2024

POEM NAME: FATHER’S DAY In a world so wide and grand, Stands a figure strong and grand. With hands that guide and hearts that care, A father's love beyond compare.   Through laughter, tears, and lessons taught, In every memory, big or small, He's there to lift us when we fall, A hero, protector through it all.   Today we celebrate your love so true, For all you've done, we thank you. Happy Father's Day, with all our cheer, For the dad who's always near.

Story no 8 : The life story Book

  STORY: THE LIFE STORY BOOK By. Adhav.V Character Introduction: Main character : Kevin Supporting Characters: Robin, Kevin’s Mother, The class teacher, Nancy (English Teacher), the school manger, Mr. Stephen (Chief Minister) STORY: Chapter 1: The introduction In a Modern city called Winterwood lived our hero, Kevin. As usual today our hero is ready to board his bus at the Mansion Bus stop. Finally after 15 minutes of waiting the bus has arrived. He had boarded his bus. He is neither a entrepreneur nor a employee just a student studying in Grade 10. After travelling for hardly half an hour Kevin reached his school. He entered his class and the next moment his eyes were searching for his best friend Robin. The teacher entered the class and started taking attendance. Teacher called Robin the door opened in a rush. It is Robin. He explained to his teacher that he missed the school bus and had to board a government bus and come to the school. He apologized and sat on his

Poem no 4: The tree

* This poem is written as a thanksgiving message for all the lovely trees on Love a tree day (MAY 16) * POEM: THE TREE In the heart of a forest, tall and grand, Stands a tree, with roots that span the land. Its branches reach up to touch the sky, A guardian of nature, standing high.   On Love a Tree Day, let's celebrate, This mighty tree, so strong and great. For it gives us shade on a sunny day, And shelter from storms that come our way.   Like love, its roots run deep and true, An anchor in the earth, for me and you. Its leaves whisper secrets in the breeze, A gentle reminder, of life's mysteries.   So let's honor the tree, on this special day, And cherish its beauty, in every way. For in its branches, we find peace, A symbol of love that will never cease.                                                                                                                                                           BY.  Adhav    


Our mothers are the silent architects of our lives. Without their immense sacrifices, we would not even be in this beautiful world today. They bring us into this world and raise us with pure love, affection, and care. Nothing compares to the contribution of mothers to a child’s life. The amazing ladies of our lives make sure to leave no stone unturned just to provide us with a comfortable life. Though we may not always find the time to express our gratitude, Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to do so. Let’s take a moment from our busy lives to thank our mothers for all they have done for us. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE GREATEST MOTHERS!

A special poem on Mother's day 2024

                          P OEM: MOTHER Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers In a world so bright and grand, There's a love that's truly grand. She holds us close, with gentle hand, Our mother, oh so grand. Her hugs are warm, her smile so bright, She tucks us in, kisses goodnight. She cheers us on with all her might, Our mother's love, a shining light. Through ups and downs, she's always there, With love to give and time to spare. Her kindness shows she truly cares, Our mother's love, beyond compare. So here's to mothers, near and far, Our guiding light, our shining star. In our hearts, wherever we are, Our mother's love will never mar. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS.

Story no 7: Battles in Okaida - Part 2 : The conclusion

Story:  Battles in Okaida - Part 2:  The conclusion CHARECTERS: Main characters: Manu and Binu Supporting characters:  Mabi’s Grandparents and Dhunni. CHARACTERS AT THE FLASHBACK: Main characters: Akbar, Parvathy, Aura Supporting Characters: The court members, The People     STORY The continuation of Part 1… Dhunni stood thoughtless …. Once Mabi forced Dhunni he started telling the event that led to the sin of illusion.  “This Okaida was a Kingdom Before. The king's  name is Akbar,  and his Queen name is Parvathy. Parvathy was Pregnant the whole kingdom was happy, that time came a magician named  Aura he was showing different magic everyday then one fine day he had a gun with him then Akbar asked for what he brought  that gun. He  told the king it is a toy gun. Within few seconds he shot the king with that gun. The people started shouting and hearing this Queen came.  Aura aimed to shoot queen then Parvathy took the gun nearby her and shot Aura at the same

Story no 6: The true value of Friendship

  Story: The true value of Friendship By. Adhav.V Summary: This story showcases the true value of friendship. This story describes the unbreakable bond between two friends Arjun and Ashvik.   Characters: Main characters: Arjun and Ashvik Supporting characters: Doctor, Soldiers of the opposite country, Parents of Arjun and Ashvik.   STORY Once upon a time there lived a solider named Arjun. He was on his way to his home from holiday. He met his best friend Ashvik on his way home. Arjun asked “How are you? Seeing you after a long time”. What makes you here now?” Ashvik Replied “Iam fine. What about you, Iam here for a walk in the nature. Arjun replied Iam  Fine. Come let’s talk walking.   On the way while they were talking, the opposite country soldiers suddenly started shooting them; pitifully it hit Ashvik. Arjun instructed Ashvik to hide behind the bush. With blood flowing and pain aching he hid behind the bush. Then arjun fought with them and defeated them.

Poem no 3: Summer Vacation

Poem: Summer vacation By. Adhav In summer's heat, we find delight, When school's out, oh what a sight! No more books, no more pens, Just fun and games with all our friends.   Summer vacation, oh how sweet, With sunny days and sandy feet. We'll swim and laugh, and run and play, From dawn 'til dusk, we'll seize the day.   In parks we'll picnic, under the shade, Or go on hikes, through forests glade. Ice cream cones, melting fast, Summer memories, made to last.   With each day passing, time does fly, Beneath the blue and cloudless sky. But though it ends, we'll hold it dear, For summer vacation, brings us cheer.   So,  let's enjoy this time of glee, With laughter, love, and wild spree. For summer vacation, won't last long, But in our hearts, its joy lives on.

Story no 5: Raman and the stories: Chapter 1

STORY NAME: RAMAN AND THE STORIES: CHAPTER 1 BY. ADHAV CHAPTER 1:  THE DISCOVERY OF CELL In a happy town there lived two siblings Sidhu and Maya. They were very curious on learning new things from their old grandpa Raman. He tells them stories every day. One fine day Sidhu and Maya's Parents went out for shopping without their kids leaving them cry in the house. However, Raman made their cry vanish by telling them that 'He will order their favorite chicken momos from Zomato'. Which made them Happy, and they were bored within a while as the electricity went off. Now Raman told them a story about the cell and its discoveries. He began with- "Once upon a Time" and continued the story. There lived a scientist Robert Hooke, and he was a curious scientist he was the one who discovered cell it was actually an accident which led to the discovery of the cell and the main part of Biology. He was researching on something and suddenly he viewed a thin piece of cork unde

A special poem on My birthday - May 5 2024

POEM: MY BIRTHDAY In the morning light so bright, Comes a day so full of delight. It's my birthday, a special day, With laughter, joy, and games to play.   Balloons float up high in the sky, As friends and family gather nigh. Cakes with candles, oh so grand, Make a wish, it's in my hand.   Presents wrapped with love and care, Waiting for me to unwrap and share. Smiles and hugs all around, As happiness in the air is found.     Another year has come to pass, New adventures await, alas!   So, blow out the candles, make a cheer,    It's time to celebrate, my dear!                                                                   By. Adhav

Story no 4: Battles in Okaida- Part 1

  Story: Battles in Okaida- Part 1 BY: Adhav.v CHARACTERS: Main characters: Manu and Binu (Nicknamed Mabi) Supporting characters: Mabi’s father, Mabi’s grandparents, and Dhunni.   Story: Once upon a time, there lived two twin brothers, Manu and Binu, who were nicknamed Mabi. They were in the midst of their annual examination. Mabi’s parents promised them that if both scored 90% or above in their exams, they could stay at their grandparents' house in the summer holidays for a week. Filled with eagerness and anxiety, they studied hard and achieved their goal. As a result, they were getting ready to go to their grandparents' house in the secret city of Okaida. Okaida was known as a secret city because it harbored many mysteries.   Upon reaching Okaida, they informed their grandparents that they were going to play with the nearby children, but instead, they set out to discover the secrets of Okaida. Along the way, they stumbled upon a large abandoned house with a

Story no 3: The rope time Machine

STORY: THE ROPE TIME MACHINE BY. ADHAV.V DISCLAIMER: This is a story meant for entertainment purpose and it is rated for all ages. SUMMARY: This story is based on time Machine concept. A brother and sister find a time machine in their garden. Let’s see what they will do with it? What changes will happen in their life. Theory about Time machine The physics literature contains various no-go theorems for time machines, i.e., theorems which purport to establish that, under physically plausible assumptions, the operation of a time machine is impossible. Characters: Main characters:   Akhil and Akshara Supporting characters: Old couple, Social Teacher, The chemist. STORY: Once upon a time in a small town in Tamil nadu there lived a brother and sister. The name of the sister is Akshara and her brother name is Akhil. They were sitting bored in their summer vacation. Then they got idea of going for an treasure hunt in their garden. They were exhausted to dig in m